Our Communications Timeline

Waadookawaad has worked to communicate the details of our monitoring work to both agencies and the public in hopes for holding accountable those who have desecrated the land and water of this place we call home.

12/15/21 Jaci and Wendy walk with East Savanna River… beginning Waadookawaad Amikwag documentation of post-construction findings.

4/15/22 Waadookawaad Amikwag Public Comments to Wisconsin DNR: Line 5 Re-route DEIS Commentary

9/28/22 Letter to Tribes and US Reps McCollum, Omar, and all MN US Reps

10/6/22 Waadookawaad Amikwag & Partners to Minnesota AG and Agencies: Draft Data Sharing MOA

10/14/22 Betty McCollum support letter to USACE & USEPA for Independent Investigation of Line 3/93

10/14/22 Waadookawaad Amikwag to USACE: Line 5 Tunnel DEIS Commentary

11/16/22 Enbridge Line 3/93 Ongoing Post-Construction Environmental Damages Webinar

11/16/22 Enbridge Line 3/93 Damages Q&A with Waadookawaad Amikwag

11/30/22 USEPA response to Betty McCollum

12/7/22: DNR/PCA Legal: Response to Draft MOA to hold Enbridge accountable

12/7/22: Ilhan Omar support letter to USACE/USEPA for Independent Investigation of Line 3/93

12/9/22: Waadookawaad Amikwag Response to Betty McCollum on USEPA response

12/15/22 USACE response to Congresswoman McCullom

12/30/22 Draft MOA responses from WA/Partners to MPCA/DNR Benke/Smith (legal) & MPCA/DNR Hotz/Doneen (technical)

2/1/23 First Full Team Meeting with DNR/MPCA Line 3 post-construction team

3/3/23 First Technical Meeting with DNR/MPCA Experts

3/8/23 Second Full Team Meeting with DNR/MPCA Line 3 post-construction team

4/4/23 Team Briefing with Doneen, Hotz & Morse

4/17/23 Second Technical Meeting with DNR/MPCA Experts

4/24/23 Third Full Team Meeting with DNR/MPCA Line 3 post-construction team - Cancelled*

4/30/23 Waadookawaad Amikwag presents at Midwest Mountaineering Expo (Ellen Hadley)

7/28/23 MN DNR confirms Fourth Aquifer Breach after Waadookawaad Amikwag & Healing Minnesota Stories reveal it to the public

10/16/23 Waadookawaad Amikwag letter to AG Ellison seeking added criminal charges for Enbridge damage sites

11/16/23 Second Waadookawaad Amikwag letter to AG Ellison seeking added criminal charges for Enbridge damage sites

1/30/24 Waadookawaad Amikwag Webinar Update: Current state and new discoveries along Enbridge Line 3/93

2/5/24 Judge Tiffany dismisses Enbridge’s criminal case in Clearwater County for the Clearbrook Aquifer Breach

8/1/24 The National History Museum hosts: Aquifer Defenders: Learning from Waadookawaad Amikwag

8/28/24 Waadookawaad Amikwag to USACE: Line 5 Segment Relocation Project Decision Document commentary

9/30/24 Waadookawaad Amikwag email (of above WA comments to USACE CDD) to WI DNR FEIS Authors

* Note: The third full group meeting with agencies was cancelled after WA recognized the meetings to date had shown little pre-work by agency staff for our presented agendas, few offerings from the State during discussion, and an inability by the agencies to agree to Waadookawaad Amikwag calls for “No More Harm.” While the group approached the agencies on July 5, 2023, to resume collaborating on future meetings together, we have not had any acknowledgement of our 7/5/23 communication. We continue to struggle with securing responses from state authorities and agencies.

Significant Event Timeline

7/27/21 Letter to MPCA on HDD failures & seeking temporary suspension of Section 401 Certification (32 MN DFL Legislators)

 7/29/21 MPCA acknowledges 8 more drilling fluid releases (Bring Me the News)

 8/16/21 Details of Enbridge’s Line 3/93 frac-outs (Minnesota Reformer)

 9/23/21 DNR Shrugs off Line 3 Climate Impacts (Science for the People)

 9/29/21 Press Conference at Clearwater River with Annette Johnson, Red Lake Band Treasurer (Honor The Earth)

 12/15/21 Jaci and Wendy walk with East Savanna River… the beginning of Waadookawaad Amikwag gatherings.

 12/27/21 DNR Office Hours Clearbrook Rupture Breach Questions (Science for the People)

 12/28/21 Clearbrook Aquifer Breach: Water Protectors predicted it all (Honor The Earth)

 2/23/22 Senator Marty request for HDD info from Enbridge (Minnesota Public Radio)

10/17/22 Criminal charges for & enforcement agreements with Enbridge (AG Ellison)

10/17/22 Enbridge Enforcement Agreement Notice & PCA Enforcement Agreement (MPCA)

10/17/22 Announcement of Enbridge enforcement agreement (Fond du Lac Band with MN agencies)

10/17/22 Comprehensive Enforcement Resolution Agreement for Clearbrook and LaSalle Creek (MN DNR)

10/17/22 Comprehensive Enforcement Resolution Agreement for Milepost 1102.5 (Fond du Lac Band with MN DNR)

12/2/22 Climate and Pipeline Integrity: Geohazards and Effects of Extreme Weather (Pipeline Safety Trust Conference)

12/14/22 Letter to USACE Spellmon on Walker Brook (Jami Gaither)

12/20/22 Presentation on Walker Brook to Clearwater County Commissioners (Jami Gaither)

12/1/23 MPSC approves Enbridge Line 5 Tunnel project at Straits of Mackinac (Michigan Public Service Commission)

6/1/24 Waadookawaad Amikwag signs on to collaborate with the People Not Polluters campaign

9/6/24 WI DNR releases Final Environmental Impact Statement on Enbridge’s Line 5 Segment Relocation project

11/11/24 Enbridge reports a 2-gallon spill in Cambridge, WI to WI DNR (Spill later updated to 69,300 gallons or 1650 barrels.)

11/14/24 WI DNR Announces permitting decisions on Line 5 Relocation proposal

12/12/24 Multiple groups file legal challenges to the WI DNR permitting, including Earthjustice on behalf of the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa

2/11/25 Bad River Band of Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians Notification to USEPA and USACE regarding Clean Water Act 401(a)(2) permit for the proposed Line 5 Wisconsin Pipeline Relocation Project

2/28/25 Midwest Environmental Advocates reports: WI ALJ issues a Stay of Construction for Line 5 proposed relocation project based on their Petition for a Contested Case Hearing